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Friday, October 21, 2011

New Life.

Yup, I'm growing one.

Just about halfway there at 20wks along right now, and we had our anatomy scan a few days ago! 

So unreal.

They did the 4D, and I couldn't believe it!!! I think this one looks like me, and I also think he is packin' a peen!  No we didn't find out the sex - so worth the wait.  If you can hold out on finding out the sex, it is well worth the wait, and you won't regret it!

I feel great too, I was a bit sick in the beginning, but not as bad as last time.  Last time was pure hell, now I'm really enjoying my pregnancy!  So, yea, I'm convinced it is my healthy baby boy that loves his mama and would never make me sick!  My darling little girl on the other hand, she was a beast since 8 wks gestation....

Here are some first shots of our new monkey bean!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We have come full circle.

This is a little over a month late, but oh well.

First, I want to say, since August 29, 2010 at 11:54pm, I never truly knew how wonderful life could be... until...
The, "IT'S A GIRL!" moment, the "OMG what was life like before her?" moment, the, "this high is better than smoking weed" high....

What an amazing journey of ups and downs, and wouldn't change any one moment.  I love being Em's voice, advocate, teacher, provider, best friend, protector, and at times, playground. ;-)

I really didn't think I could ever enjoy a job more!

I have a few quick pics from Em's 1 year party.  I had a huge vintage theme planned under a big tent with a ton of decorations, but Hurricane Irene decided she had other plans for her party.  So about half my family canceled, and we got rained out, so I made a few centerpieces, decided to order pizza, and just enjoy the day with the few friends and family that could attend.  Either way, she had a great time!

She really enjoyed that cupcake....That was my absolute favorite moment of the party.

She had her one year check up the day after her actual birthday, and is as healthy as a horse.  I was slightly concerned about how waxy her ears are, but apparently the more they drain the better.  I have waxy ears too - poor kid. 

Her stats (As of 12 months) were again all in the 50th%, which they have been in consistently for the past few months.
Weight: 21lbs 1oz
Height: 28 3/4"
Head Circum: 17"

What are you doing by 12 months?

-pointing (My most favorite milestone and most important yet)
-Playing peek-a-boo, 
-waving and saying bye bye
-blowing kisses
-points to her nose or your nose when prompted
-makes two animal noises - "What does the monkey say?" Em: "Oo, oo aah aah" "What does the lion say? Em: "Raaawwwwrr"
- Identifies animals in books
-says more, milk, mama, dada, doggie (daw-eee), banana (nana)
- taking steps, but starting at 12.5 months, full blown walking (although wobbly and adorable)
-loves playing hide and seek and chasing the dogs around.

What are you eating?
-eggs, toast, waffles, pasta, chicken, beef, potatoes (lover of sweet potato), grilled cheese, mango, apples, avocado, grapes, OBSESSED WITH BLUEBERRIES, bananas, broccoli, peas, carrots, spinach (preferably in her eggs),  mac 'n cheese, basically everything we eat except nuts.  She drinks maybe 3 cups of milk a day, and the rest is water.

I know I'll probably think of something I missed when I hit 'publish post', but for now, that's about it.

Life is sweet in this house.  We are rich in love, and feel truly blessed, and Em has made me appreciate the little things in life, and has trained me to never take life for granted.

This Friday will be our big one year shoot I have been planning for over a month now.  You won't want to miss that!

Monday, September 19, 2011

iheartfaces Weekly Photo Challenge: A touch of sun

This is the first image that popped into my head for this challenge.

A girl.

Her horse.

A beautiful life.

Check out the other fabulous entries by clicking the badge below.

Friday, June 24, 2011

My new badge ~~~~~~>

I am a proud "Rockstar Top 10" from iheartfaces.

This week's entry can be found here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

9 months.

Yes, late again, I know I know!

We had fun playing dress up and I snapped a few pics. Settings were a bit off, didn't feel like editing them like crazy - whatevs...

At 9 months...

Weight: 19lbs (50th%)
Height: 27.5"(50th%)
head circum: 17"(I think...)(25th%)

{I did all the measuring myself, we won't be back to the doc until 12 months. Our last pedi appt. was at  7 months.}

You are...

*A crawling machine
*A climbing machine
*standing on everything and cruising
*clapping (It is
*Doing "SO BIG" and throwing your arms up - then you clap for yourself
*signing 'milk' and 'more'
*starting to play with toys appropriately - putting the block into the hole in your walker/play station
you eat EVERYTHING - pasta, eggs, steak, chicken, meatballs, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, green beans, toast, apples, bananas, etc...

And since I didn't have a Father's Day post, here ya go...

Emerson LOVES music - especially when daddy plays for her. Maybe she will be musically inclined like him.

Monday, June 6, 2011

To bask in blessed beauty.

That's what our very first family vacation was all about.

However, our trip did not start out as blissful as I had hoped.  We missed our first flight because the people that checked our bags thought chit chatting rather than making sure the line moved swiftly, was more important, We had 45 minutes before our flight but waited a half hour in line. So, we ended up hanging out in the airport for 5 hours! Em was a doll. I could not have asked for more. 

I also forgot my camera battery at home. {SEE IMAGE BELOW}

My dad sent it to my hotel the next day. After I jumped for joy upon receiving my battery, I later found out I left my memory card at home as well....

Saying I was livid, would be an understatement. I drove around the island looking for some sort of camera shop there were tons none! I finally found a Radio Shack the next day that sold compact flash cards.  By then, I had one day left to capture as many memories as possible!
{Crappy cell phone pic of my 'I forgot my batter face' - I made an attempt to "edit" it...}

 We had many many laughs in the pool...
 setting up the camera and handing it over to Brian was bittersweet. Part of me worried he wouldn't get the shot focused and properly exposed...

Another part of me just basked in the pure joy I was experiencing with my girl.

 This was the fish tank in the lobby of our hotel. It was gorgeous, and Em LOVED it.

 We enjoyed our beach bum and water baby.
 The sun enjoyed illuminating her delight as well.
 The aquarium was filled with adventures and stimulation.
 She relished in the abundance of creatures that surrounded her.
I could not have asked for anything more. 

We shopped on Duval street, and experienced fine dining with a very well behaved baby.  We looked forward to the pool and beach every single day. That is where Emerson's core happiness shined through.

I know she will not remember this trip, but I would like to believe a part of her grew from the experience and will forever be etched inside her.

Key West FL. May 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Neglectful Nelly, and Em needs to stop growing up.

This post will be about my neglect for the blog and my 8 month update on my current 8.5 month old.

Emerson at 8 months.
Not sure how much she weighs, I'll update that at the 9 month post. At 8 months you are...

..eating finger foods such as chicken, eggs, toast, banana, asparagus, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, basically any and all food we eat. We are completely off of purees. You are a puff fiend as well!
..You just started crawling FORWARD on our trip to Key West, and now you are into everything.
..You are still in size 3 diapers, 6-9 month clothes.
..You drink from a sippy cup and LOVE it.
..You stand holding on.
..You are obsessed with peek-a-boo, and you love to wave. {She opens and closes her fists to wave, she doesn't wave with the arm - so cute and girly}
..You are still sleeping through the night, a good 10-12 hours, and about two 2 hour naps a day. {I asked the pedi if this was normal...he looked at me like I had 8 heads}
..You have had your 2 bottom teeth since 6.5 months and they are fully in now. The 2 top teeth finally broke through a few days ago - Thank God!

I think that is all for now, I am very forgetful these days. Baby brain is NOT a joke!

I have also neglected my blog{s}. I am currently having a brand new blog for Grace Photography being designed that I have been working on. Blogger has been great to me, but they don't do my precious captures justice.

Business has been insane which is fantastic, but that means less time to blog. And, we just had our first family vacation to Key West as well, and it was incredible! I will be blogging about that interesting amazing experience in the next couple of days.

Ok so that's all for now, I'll leave you with a few pics from a play date with Lucas...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

It is indeed a "Good Friday".

Good Friday is a day of repentence and prayer, 
a day to remember Gods sacrifice for us, 
a day to ask forgiveness, 
a day to renew our relationship with God.

We will be attending the night service tonight at church.
Click here to visit CenterPoint church.  

We praise you Lord God.
I ask you to continue to protect my family,
and to continue guiding us on our blessed path.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

One of Grace Photography's Products

{Click the image to check out the blog post}

I'm conflicted.

I love Tosh.0

He is hilarious. I always enjoy watching the videos and seeing the pics he posts. So he posted this today and my immediate reaction was laughter that slowly turned into disgust. I am, as most of you know, a pro breastfeeder. I excusively nursed Em until she was about 7 months, until my supply just could not keep up with her deman.

Oh, how I miss nursing. She bit me the other day, so it made me miss it less. It was basically Em making the decision for me to stop nursing. She is completely uninterested and she lets it be known!

But, I digress...back to the picture.

My conflict? Is it wrong for me to laugh at this??? Leave it to Daniel Tosh to have you feeling like a very bad person.

Monday, April 18, 2011

iheartfaces Weekly Photo Challenge: Wind

My quirky little sis.

Reminds me so much of myself when I was that age.

It was a windy day for a lacrosse game, but a great day for a raw capture.

Want to see more wind entries? click the button below to check out the awesome entries!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fun in the studio...again.

On days I'm not working on someone else's masterpiece, I'm working on my own!

Today was another cold and rainy day, so Em and I decided to bring her princess canopy downstairs, put her in a cute dress and take some pics in the studio!

I really wanted to work on a different lighting technique, and I think I found one that fits the look I am going for.

Tell me what you think! {Try to look past the uber cuteness and look at the lighting and post processing - I know it may be difficult - hehehe}

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Decisions, decisions.

Brian and I have been in the market for a new car. Why? Well, we have a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon and we have a Chevy Surburban. Basically we have a matchbox car and a house on wheels.

Mama needs something she can drive here and there with Em in, comfortably, and not have to take the massive house on wheels just to run to the grocery store, or take the tiny unsafe, impossible to get in and out of jeep.

So, here is our dilemma with the cars. We decided we want to trade in the jeep because we do use the suburban a lot more. That being said, do we get a smaller two row car/SUV or go for the 3 row crossover?

So here are the 2 cars in the running...

2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee

2011 Chevrolet Traverse

I think we are leaning more towards the cherokee because it is smaller, better for me when I go here and there with Em on a regular basis. Better fit for a mom car. And it is super cute!

The traverse - ehhh - not so cute, and I feel like if we get the traverse, what is the point of keeping the suburban? Although the suburban is bigger, the traverse is once again a huge car I am going to be driving around. However, the traverse is slightly better on gas, has 3 rows, and is slightly lower in price.

Ok, my head is spinning. I need help from my readers!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When politics interferes with science.

I am a believer in science. I am a believer in real life stories.

I am a believer in seeing both sides to every argument, and I am a believer that people should do what is best for their children based on informed consent.

I am NOT anti-vaccine, or a conspirator.

I am NOT a believer in taking a yes or no answer without knowing both sides.

This movie is going to concede to both sides of the issue, and I think THAT is what people need. Information on both sides.

Vaccine court has admitted that vaccines are not 100% safe OR effective. They have paid out billions to families whom have suffered from a vaccine related injury, and it is on the rise. FACT.

We need our children to be safe. Safe from deadly diseases, as well as from deadly neurotoxins found in vaccines. I think we ALL can agree on that.

Safer vaccines, safer schedule. I DEMAND it.

The Greater Good movie trailer.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another teaser {I can't keep secrets}

I am getting obsessed with Em's party. It is really only about 4 months off which, considering how fast 7 months went by, is really not a long way off at all!

So we decided on a vintage polka dot theme for her party. We are having a white tent with tables and chairs in our backyard. We will have little Ball jars with 2 or 3 sunflowers inside {Originally I wanted peonies but August is not the season for them}, and each jar will have a a rusty red ribbon with white polka dots wrapped around the neck of it.

Here is some inspiration:

This is her dress!!!! Courtesy of Vintage Lucy's {How appropriate, right?}


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