Every year I try to donate to some type of children's fundraiser that needs our help. My nephew Eric was diagnosed with infantile spasms at 9 months of age and my amazing brother and sister in law were told that the outcome of him leading a normal, let alone functional life was very slim.
Eric is a fraternal twin and happened to beat the odds that were against him. He started walking before his twin brother, and is now leading a normal 4 1/2 year old's life. Eric lights up the room every time he walks in. {No literally, I don't mean that in a corny way - the kid is so damn loud and boisterous people are jumping out of their seats!} With being told he will more than likely never walk, never talk, and have limited interaction with the world around him, we will take his craziness!
Eric has some developmental delays and works with a speech therapist as well as an occupational therapist. {I do not know why my sister in law insists in having OT services for him when the kid can get through any and all childproof locks including the childproof medicine containers!} He really is an extraordinary kid!
So, needless to say, Eric has inspired me to help out one child in need each year. It is very easy to sit around and read about these stories and say, "Oh how horrible", but who needs easy? Let's take it one extra step and try to help out.
Please take the time to click cliff's button at the top of my page and to read his story. Want to make a difference in some way this holiday season? Send a small donation to this precious little life - it will go a looong way.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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