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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 20, 2010

We love the tub, but how do we feel about the pool?

Well, we love "tubby time" as we call it in this house, so I assumed we would love the pool.  After all, it's just a giant bath tub right?

Well, we started out like this...(Cut me some slack, my kid was crying - referring to my face of course)
Then our cousin Daniel made everything better...
Eh, this isn't so bad after all.
What an exhausting experience! (LOVE her ducky bath robe!)

We will try again in January since our cousins will be having their 5th birthday party here!


  1. too cute! I cant find any simwear that will fit ella!

  2. She is actually wearing a summer outfit. It isn't even a bathing suit, and it's a 12 month size.!! It was huge on her, but it was good enough. Lol



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