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Sunday, December 26, 2010


As I sit here and try to come up with a title for this post, I find myself typing a few letters, and then hitting the backspace.  Type. Backspace. Repeat.

So I went with the only true feeling that has been a constant this entire year and has been heightened during this Christmas season.


Quite fitting, considering that was the theme of this years Christmas card, that I am most proud of.  Sure, I'm proud of  how the picture turned out, but the true pride is in that beautiful masterpiece of a daughter that Brian and I created.

This Christmas came with chaos, laughs, cries, a few overdraft bank fees...but I have to say it was totally worth it - Just look at that face!

Aunt Neen lovin' on her girl!
 This year we got a real tree and it happened to be the "text book" tree.  Perfect size, perfect shape, perfect smell.  However, the branches could barely hold our ornaments, pine needles were everywhere and they were sharp {Will be making a stop at Harrow's this week for a fake}.  It was totally worth it though.

I have come to the realization that at least one of Em's toys will forever be in any all pics I take.
Spending time with the family was the greatest gift of all.

Em with her Gran Dukes (Long story behind the name), & Pop!

Em with her Great Grams, and Gran Dukes.

Daddy also got the greatest gift of all this year. 

His sweet baby girl.

We also got our first blizzard!  The timing seemed to be perfect since it began the day after Christmas so we didn't have to worry about traveling.  Another first for me: enjoying the snow.  I hated the snow before I had Em.  I think it was due to having to schlep {As in, Sh-lep} around NYC and it was no bueno! Now, I have a little person that I can actually play with in the snow, and not have to worry about commuting in it!

View from my front door. The left pic is with our icicle lights in view. This is some storm!
Happy Blizzard & Merry Christmas!


  1. The pictures are lovely and your daughter - adorable!

    Love and hugs this festive season!

  2. Totally understand the feeling of being blessed this season!!!

    Love to y'all!

  3. I am a new follower. :)

    Your daughter adorable and I love her name!



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