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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Emerson is 4 months old - OMG where did my newborn go?

Today Emerson turns 4 months old.  I can't believe how time has just flown by.

Crappy cell phone pic but I LOVE her face in it.
Weight: 14lbs (75th %)
Height: 24" (50th %)
Head Circumference: 16" (50th%)

What are we doing by 4 months?
*Grabbing EVERYTHING and then putting it in her mouth.
*Deep belly laughs, lots of smiling with facial recognition.
*Not rolling over yet, but can get 3/4 of the way over {SO CLOSE!} She has only rolled over once from back to belly, belly to back is going to come much later - she hates tummy time still!
*When we actually do tummy time, she can do a baby push-up and lift her head and chest up 90 degrees off the ground. 
*She will "low crawl" when on her tummy all the way across her crib.  She sometimes wakes up in the morning on the other side of the crib!
*My moose is mostly in 6 month size clothes, we can fit into 3-6 but they are snug; 6 months are much more comfy.
*She has been in size 2 diapers for 2 weeks now.  She is still kind of in the middle though.  Her size 1's are a bit tight, and the 2's are a bit loose so her diarrhea has been escaping - mommy is not a fan! {Hopefully her diarrhea will subside once we start her on probiotics}
*Her new favorite thing is to lay on her back and tilt her head all the way back to look behind her.  Looks uncomfortable but she loves doing it. {Nosey little girl}
*Daddy is still her fave, I'm still just a milk factory - ::sigh::

We are starting super moose on rice cereal and some bananas.  She has been demanding the breast every hour, and if I do pump I give her 5 oz's every 2 hours. She is ready for some food, my kid loves to eat!


  1. Oh! Shes getting so big & more precious everyday! Im glad you like the tray and found my blog helpful!!

  2. I know I say it all the time but she is getting so big! And is such a sweetie!



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